I Have A Dream. A Dream Of A World In Which…


– Children are taught in schools about the time when the existence of extraterrestrials was kept secret on Earth.


– Individuals like Richard Dolan and Dr. Steven Greer are awarded Nobel Prizes in literature or the Nobel Peace Prize.


– Recognition of the rights and living conditions of minorities and marginalized individuals is paramount.


– Electricity is a free resource, using e.t. technology, everyone has access to, without burdening our planet’s climate.



– We have interstellar exchange programs in schools.


– Solveism is no longer the prevailing doctrine in the world.


– Coagulaism is the prevailing doctrine in the world.


– Humanity is part of a galactic federation.


– Humanity exercises its right to vote in democratic elections, appointing dedicated representatives to the Galactic Federation, embodying our collective voice in the cosmos.


– Temples float in the sky, in honor of God and a united humanity.