Historian Richard Dolan:
A Scholarly Journey into UFO Research

Richard Dolan, a distinguished researcher, historian, and author, has made a significant impact in the field of UFOs. His academic path, which led him from the University of Rochester, where he studied U.S. Cold War strategy, European history, and international diplomacy, to Alfred University and Oxford University, set a strong foundation for his future endeavors. Originally a Rhodes scholarship finalist, Dolan’s transition into UFO research marked a significant shift in his career, one that would make him a renowned figure in this enigmatic field.

Pioneering Works and Theoretical Insights in UFO Studies

Dolan’s contributions to UFO literature are nothing short of groundbreaking. His seminal series, “UFOs and the National Security State,” Volumes I and II, provides an extensive, factual narrative of the UFO subject from 1941 to the early 1990s. The first volume explores the responses of the U.S. government, military, and intelligence agencies to UFO sightings, revealing the perception of UFOs as a national security threat. The second volume continues this narrative, highlighting the increased complexity and public interest in UFOs, reaching into the early 1990´s.

In his collaborative work, “A.D. After Disclosure“, co-authored with Bryce Zabel, Dolan speculates on the social, political, and technological impacts of official UFO acknowledgment. His book “UFOs for the 21st Century Mind” offers a contemporary perspective on the UFO subject, covering various aspects such as sightings, encounters, politics, and cover-ups. Dolan’s diverse interests in the UFO topic are further exhibited in his series of booklets, which delve into specific subjects like secret space programs and the dynamics of UFO secrecy.

Richard Dolan on the latest about UFO Disclosure, on Weaponized #46 wite Jeremy Corbell and George Knapp.

Expanding the Horizons: Media Presence and Ongoing Projects

Dolan’s influence extends beyond his written work.  He connects with audiences through “The Richard Dolan Show” on KGRA radio, his YouTube channel “Intelligent Disclosure”, and appearances on various television documentaries and series. Dolan is coming out with new books on the subject of USO´s this year, 2024.


Richard Dolan on UFO Secrecy Nearly Outed

Interactive Online Community and Resource Hub

A key aspect of Dolan’s work is his interactive online presence, particularly through his website, www.richarddolanmembers.com. This platform serves not only as a resource for purchasing his books but also as a vibrant forum for individuals interested in the UFO/ET subject. Here, members can engage in discussions, share insights, and interact with a community of like-minded individuals, further fostering a collaborative environment for UFO and ET research.


Dolan’s commitment to exploring all aspects of the UFO phenomenon is evident in his belief that studying UFOs challenges our perceptions and encourages us to see the world differently. His work not only provides a historical perspective on UFO phenomena but also opens up discussions about the broader implications of extraterrestrial life on human civilization. Richard Dolan continues to be a vital figure in the exploration of UFO and ET phenomena, significantly enhancing both public understanding and academic discourse.