
Collection Of FREE “New Age EsotericZ”

Jahbulon and Baphomet gone new age…

WARNING! Cursed Pictures Below!!!!!

It should be mentioned that there is a terrible curse on the images of Baphomet below, if they are used for clothing for the upper body!!

The Cosmic Muffin’s Curse!” Aka. “The Muffin Mans Curse!

The two fingers Baphomet holds up represent #The Curse and #The Rule.

#The curse is that you must give your upper body clothing to anyone who asks for it. If you do not give it away, you will be struck by the Cosmic Muffin’s wrath!

#The rule, represented by the other finger, is that you cannot ask to get the clothing back from someone you have given it to.

Before giving away the upper body clothing, you must make the recipient aware of The Curse and The Rule!!